Setting free (VIDEO)

Setting free (VIDEO)

Posted 10 November 

Setting free

After the World Freedom Day, we like to share an amazing story about freedom in a different way... setting free.

It's about people that found a fox that didn't look okay and was walking in the middle of the road. The fox had gotten somehow a piece of culvert stuck around his neck. They cornered him and managed to grab him. The fox was very weak and hungry. 

They took the fox home, consulted a specialist for the diet and medicines and took care for him. He was so weakened, that the fox let it all happen. For a month they took care of the fox, feeding him, medicating him, cleaning him and giving him toys. After one month they saw improvement and the fox actually looked better. Now his old habits returned and it got scared of people again. It was time to release him and they did... 

Watch the video:        







Source: YouTube, channel of Canadian Girl.