Posted 13 March
As many of you already know by now, YACHTVALLEY is Eylem's newsletter. But for the new ones among us, welcome and let's get you acquainted a bit more with the "Valley of the Yachts". Not dolls!
On a monthly basis and and in case we cannot resist, we issue an edition of Eylem's YACHTVALLEY. This is not only a foxy update about yachting, but also shares a glimpse of our world of wonder. Attention is paid to yachts for sale, yachts for charter, charter itineraries, holidays, top destinations, yachts in the spotlight and so on. In addition we always have some items about luxury, events, beach clubs, wildlife, comedy, and so on... always with a little twist we like to call "foxy".
Why "foxy"? Because we spend a lot of time on composing the content. To theme it, to design it, to lift many rocks to find items and to put all the inspiration of the whole team together and make something creative and original and therefore "out of the box". Some may call it Yachting 2.0, we can only say 'it's crafted with passion'.
Pictured are some of the items from this weeks edition, that's all about leopards and jaguars. Since we have several Leopards and Jaguars for sale and for charter, we came up with the idea to make it a themed edition about "Wild Things" and to relate to their feline soulmates. Also fast, powerful and super stringy.
Wonna subscribe? Via the homepage www.eylem.lu